Client: BillerudKorsnäs
Project: SPAjax, New Recovery Boiler
Place: Frövi, Sweden
Year: 2023
Delivery: E&I installation
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New Recovery Boiler – E&I Works

Project Description

BillerudKorsnäs, a leading provider of paper and packaging materials, has decided to invest in a new recovery boiler at their plant at Frövi, close to Örebro. The project will be finalized during end of 2023.

NLI Scope

NLI Elektrosystemer’s scope of work is instrumentation works needed to realize the overall project. The work includes hook-up installation and erection and installation of distribution panels in particular. Ordinary cable installation for power and signals as well as demolition is also part of the Contract. The E&I works will be finalized during springtime 2023.


Olav Bolseth