To strengthen our organisation, Iraj Givechi is employed as Engineering Manager at NLI Engineering from 1st April 2024.
Iraj comes from Scanship, where he has held the position as Project Lead Engineer for the past 2 years, with responsibility for projects within waste management on cruise ships, composition of complex systems for purifying wastewater and dry waste handling with pellets as the end product.
Iraj has 10 years of relevant experience, also from Focus Group as Mechanical Lead and Account Manager/Senior Mechanical Design Engineer, Trelleborg Automotive Vibracoustic as project manager/product developer and Agility Subsea Fabrication as engineer/work preparer.
Iraj is educated mechanical engineer specializing in product development at Kongsberg University College.
It’s a pleasure to welcome Iraj to our team!
Even Hatlo Andersen
Contact: Iraj Givechi, Engineering Manager